Changes in Equity – Parent Company

Amounts in SEK M Share
Share premium reserve Profit
brought forward
for the year
Equity, opening balance, January 1, 2015 153 31 103 439 -131 595
Profit/loss brought forward from previous year -131 131
Total transactions reported directly in equity -131 131
Profit/loss for the year -224 -224
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year -224 -224
Rights issue 107 137 244
Change, treasury shares
Equity, closing balance, December 31, 2015 260 31 240 308 -224 615
Equity, opening balance, January 1, 2016 260 31 240 308 -224 615
Profit/loss brought forward from previous year -224 -224
Total transactions reported directly in equity -224 -224
Profit/loss for the year -57 -57
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year -57 -57
Rights issue
Change, treasury shares
Equity, closing balance, December 31, 2016 260 31 240 84 -57 558

Reverse share split 2016

The Annual General Meeting 2016 resolved on a reverse share split of the company’s shares, whereby 20 existing shares was consolidated into one new share (reverse share split 1:20). The reverse share split was made in May 2016 and means that the total number of shares amount to 13,010,124 shares.