Consolidated Income Statement

Amounts in SEK M Note 2017 2016
Net sales 1 4,348 3,870
Cost of goods sold 2 -3,729 -3,309
Gross profit/loss 619 561
Selling expenses 2 -395 -395
Administrative expenses 2 -123 -111
Participation in earnings of joint venture 17 11 8
Other operating income 7 24 4
Other operating expenses 2, 8 -79 -51
Operating result 3, 4, 5, 14, 15 57 16
Financial income 9 3 3
Financial expenses 10 -26 -30
Result before tax 34 -11
Tax 11 -10 -9
Result for the year attributable to Parent Company shareholders 12 24 -20
Earnings per share before dilution 12 1.87 -1.56
Earnings per share after dilution 12 1.87 -1.56
Net sales, Group
Operating result, Group (EBIT)