Note 5 – Lease fees for operational leasing

The Group’s operating lease expenses for the year were SEK 104 M (101), of which SEK 1 M (0) refers to the Parent Company.

Group Parent Company
2017 2017
Lease fees, operational leasing Minimum
lease fees
lease fees
Buildings and land 91 1
Other 13 0 0
Total lease fees 104 0 1

Operational lease liabilities fall due for payment as follows:

Group Parent Company
Future maturities of minimum lease fees 2017 2016 2017 2016
Within one year 96 98 2 0
One to five years 304 283 9 0
Later than five years 316 347
Total 716 728 11 0

Significant leases

Most Group operating leases refer to leases of operating sites.