The year in brief
- Net sales decreased by 16% to SEK 3,672 M (4,359)
- The underlying operating result increased to SEK 96 M (94)
- The operating result amounted to SEK 39 M (88)
- Result after tax amounted to SEK 4 M (50)
- Cash flow from operating activities increased to SEK 341 M (200)
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.33 (3.87)
- Decision was taken to centralize warehouse and production operations in Sweden to Norrköping and to close the warehouse in Malmö
- Decision was taken to centralize warehouse and production operations in the Baltics
- The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend (-) will be paid for the financial year of 2020
1) Operating result (EBIT) before items affecting comparability (see Note 6 and 7) and adjusted for inventory gains and losses (deductions for gains and additions for losses).
Key data | 2020 | 2019 | Change | |
Nyckeltal | 2020 | 2019 | Förändring | |
Tonnage, thousands of tonnes | Tonnage, tusental | 307 | 340 | -10% |
Net sales, SEK M | Nettoomsättning, MSEK | 3,672 | 4,359 | -16% |
Operating result, SEK M 1) | Rörelseresultat, MSEK 1) | 39 | 88 | -56% |
Operating margin, % | Rörelsemarginal, % | 1.1 | 2.0 | -0.9% |
Underlying operating result 2) | Underliggande rörelseresultat 2) | 96 | 94 | 2.1% |
Result after tax, SEK M | Resultat efter skatt, MSEK | 4 | 50 | -92% |
Result per share, SEK | Resultat per aktie, SEK | 0.33 | 3.87 | -92% |
Return on capital employed excl. IFRS 16, % | Avkastning på sysselsatt kapital exkl. IFRS 16. % | 2.3 | 5.6 | -3.3% |
Net debt excl. IFRS 16, SEK M | Nettoskuld exkl. IFRS 16. MSEK | 156 | 373 | -58% |
Net debt/equity ratio excl. IFRS 16, % 2) | Nettoskuldsättningsgrad exkl. IFRS 16. % 2) | 17 | 40 | -23% |
Cash flow from operating activities, SEK M | Kassaflöde från löpande verksamheten, MSEK | 341 | 200 | 71% |
Average number of employees | Medeltal anställda | 633 | 652 | -2.9% |
2) Part of BE Group’s alternative performance measures which you can read more about in Alternative performance measures and Financial definitions.
Sales by business solution, SEK M | Försäljning per affärslösning, MSEK | 2020 | 2019 | % |
Inventory sales | Lagerförsäljning | 1,541 | 1,856 | -17% |
Production service sales | Produktionsserviceförsäljning | 1,684 | 1,956 | -14% |
Direct sales | Direktförsäljning | 447 | 547 | -18% |
Total | Totalt | 3,672 | 4,359 | -16% |
Sales by product area, SEK M | Försäljning per produktområde, MSEK | 2020 | 2019 | % |
Long steel products | Långa produkter | 1,363 | 1,572 | -13% |
Flat steel products | Platta produkter | 1,428 | 1,727 | -17% |
Stainless steel | Rostfritt stål | 611 | 752 | -19% |
Aluminium | Aluminium | 170 | 207 | -18% |
Other | Övrigt | 100 | 101 | -1% |
Total | Totalt | 3,672 | 4,359 | -16% |