Financial definitions

Earnings measurements
Gross profit/loss Profit after deduction for cost of goods sold.
Underlying gross profit/loss Underlying gross profit/loss is the reported gross profit/loss adjusted for inventory gains and losses (deductions for gains and additions for losses).
Operating result (EBIT) Operating result before financial items.
Underlying operating result (uEBIT) Operating result (EBIT) before items affecting comparability and adjusted for inventory gains and losses (deductions for gains and additions for losses).
Items affecting comparability Items that do not have any link to the normal operations of the Group or that are of a non-recurring nature, where a reporting together with other items in the consolidated comprehensive income statement would have given a comparison distortion effect that would have made it difficult to judge the development of the ordinary operations for an outside viewer. Replaces previous concept “non-recurring items”.
Margin measurements
Gross margin Gross profit/loss as a percentage of net sales.
Underlying gross margin Underlying gross profit/loss as a percentage of net sales.
Operating margin Operating result as a percentage of net sales
Underlying operating margin Underlying operating result (uEBIT) as a percentage of net sales.
Capital structure
Net debt excl. IFRS 16 Interest-bearing liabilities excluding leasing liabilities acc. to IFRS 16 less cash and equivalents and financial assets.
Net debt/equity ratio excl. IFRS 16 Net debt excl. IFRS 16 divided by equity excl. IFRS 16.
Working capital Inventories and current receivables less current liabilities, excluding provisions and interest-bearing liabilities.
Working capital (average) Inventories and current receivables less current liabilities, excluding provisions and interest-bearing liabilities. This measure represents an average for each period based on quarterly data.
Capital employed excl. IFRS 16 Equity excl. IFRS 16 plus interest-bearing liabilities excl. leasing liabilities acc. to IFRS 16.
Capital employed (average) excl. IFRS 16 Equity excl. IFRS 16 plus interest-bearing liabilities excl. leasing liabilities acc. to IFRS 16. This measure represents an average for each period based on quarterly data.
Working capital tied-up Average working capital, as a percentage of annual net sales.
Return on capital employed excl. IFRS 16 Annually adjusted operating result excl. IFRS as a percentage of average capital employed excl. IFRS 16.
Per share data
Earnings per share Profit/loss for the period divided by the average number of shares outstanding during the period.
Earnings per share after dilution Profit/loss for the period divided by the average number of shares outstanding during the period after dilution.
Equity per share Equity divided by the number of shares outstanding at the end of the period.
Cash flow per share from operating activities Cash flow from operating activities divided by the average number of shares for the period.
Shares outstanding at the end of the period Shares outstanding at the end of the period adjusted for rights issues and share splits.
Shares outstanding at the end of the period after dilution Number of shares at the end of the period adjusted for rights issues and share splits. Any dilution has been taken into account.
Average number of shares Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period, adjusted for rights issues and share splits.
Average number of shares after dilution Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period, adjusted for rights issues and share splits. Any dilution has been taken into account.
Sales growth Change in the net sales of the business compared with the previous period, in percent.
Average number of employees The number of employees recalculated as full-time positions and as an average for reporting period.
Shipped volumes BE Group products sold during the period in thousands of tonnes.
Inventory gains and losses The difference between the cost of goods sold at acquisition value and the cost of goods sold at replacement price.