Note 15 – Lease agreements

The Group has leases for real estate, vehicles, machinery and other equipment used in the operations. Leases of real estate and machinery generally have a leasing period of between three and 15 years, while that for vehicles and other equipment is generally between three and five years. The Group’s obligations in leases are secured by the lessor’s ownership.

Right of use assets

The table below presents the book value of the right of use assets and amortization per asset class and the financial year’s additional right of use assets.

2020 Buildings Cars Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings Other Total
2020 Byggnader Bilar Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Övrigt Totalt
Depreciation Avskrivningar -84 -3 -1 -1 -89
Closing balance, December 31, 2020 Utgående balans 31 december 2020 489 5 44 3 541
Additional right of use assets during the 2020 financial year total SEK 32 M (40).
2019 Buildings Cars Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings Other Total
2019 Byggnader Bilar Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Övrigt Totalt
Depreciation Avskrivningar -78 -4 -1 -1 -84
Closing balance, December 31, 2019 Utgående balans 31 december 2019 511 7 19 4 540

Lease liabilities

The table below presents the amounts recognized as lease liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet.

2020 2019
Non-current leasing liabilities Långfristiga leasingskulder 457 449
Current leasing liabilities Kortfristiga leasingskulder 84 92
Total Totalt 541 541

The table below presents a maturity analysis regarding contractually undiscounted payments of the lease liabilities.

2020 2019
Maturity within 1 year Förfaller inom 1 år 91 93
Maturity within 1-2 years Förfaller inom 1-2 år 77 82
Maturity within 2-3 years Förfaller inom 2-3 år 74 66
Maturity within 3-5 years Förfaller inom 3-5 år 134 117
Maturity later than 5 years Förfaller efter 5 år 209 228
Total Totalt 585 586

Earnings impact attributable to leases

The table below presents the amounts attributable to leases recognized in the consolidated income statement during the year.

Costs Kostnader 2020 2019
Depreciation of rights of use Avskrivningar på nyttjanderättstillgångar 89 84
Interest expenses for leasing liabilities Räntekostnader för leasingskulder 11 11
Total Totalt 100 95
The Group’s total cash outflow attributable to leases amounted to SEK 100 M (89).

Uncommenced leasing commitments

The Group has no uncommenced leasing commitments that have not yet entered into effect.