Note 4 – Auditors’ fees and reimbursements

Group Koncern 2020 2019
Audit assignments Revisionsuppdrag 2 2
Audit activities in addition to the audit assignment Revisionsverksamhet utöver revisionsuppdraget
Consultation on taxation Skatterådgivning 0 0
Other services Övriga tjänster 0 0
Total fees and compensation for expenses Totalt arvode och kostnadsersättning 2 2
Parent Company Moderbolag 2020 2019
Audit assignments Revisionsuppdrag 1 1
Audit activities in addition to the audit assignment Revisionsverksamhet utöver revisionsuppdraget
Consultation on taxation Skatterådgivning
Other services Övriga tjänster 0 0
Total fees and compensation for expenses Totalt arvode och kostnadsersättning 1 1

The total fee to PwC and its international network amounts to SEK 2 M (2) for the fiscal year 2020. The fee to the audit firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB amounts to SEK 1 M (1).