Accounting principles
Amounts stated in millions of SEK (SEK M) unless specified otherwise.
BE Group AB (publ), company registration number 556578-4724, is a Swedish limited liability company. The registered office is in Malmö, Sweden.
Consolidated accounting principles
Compliance with legislation and standards
The consolidated accounts have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) as approved by the Commission of the European Communities for application in the European Union. The Group also applies the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommendation RFR 1 Supplementary accounting rules for groups. The Parent Company applies the same accounting principles as the Group except in the cases stated in the section “Parent Company accounting principles.”
Significant accounting principles applied
Other than the exceptions explained in detail, the accounting principles set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in BE Group’s financial statements. The accounting principles applied in the consolidated accounts have also been applied consistently by the individual companies within the Group.
Changes in accounting principles
Changes to accounting principles necessitated by new or amended IFRS-rules
The new standards and interpretations applicable as from the financial year 2022, have had no material effect on the financial statements.
New IFRS-rules that have not yet begun to be applied
A number of new standards and interpretations will not enter into effect until the next financial years and have not been applied in advance in the preparation of these financial statements. None of the IFRS or IFRIC interpretations that have not yet entered into effect are expected to have any material impact on the Group.
Conditions applied to Parent Company and consolidated financial statements
Functional currency and reporting currency
The functional currency of the Parent Company is SEK and this is also the reporting currency of the Parent Company and the Group. Consequently, the financial accounts are presented in SEK. All amounts are rounded off to the nearest million unless otherwise stated.
Valuation principles
Assets and liabilities are reported at historical cost with the exception of certain financial assets and liabilities, which are reported at fair value. Fixed assets and disposal groups held for sale are reported at their carrying amount or fair value less sales expenses, whichever is lowest.
Assessments and estimates
Preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires management making assessments, estimations and assumptions that affect the application of the accounting principles and the figures reported for assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. The estimates and assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that seem reasonable under current conditions. The results of these estimates and assumptions are then used to assess the carrying amount of assets and liabilities not otherwise evident from other sources. The actual outcome may deviate from these estimations and assessments. The estimations and assessments are reviewed regularly. Changes in estimations are reported in the period in which they are made if they only affect that period, or in the period in which they are made and future periods if they affect both the period concerned and future periods.
Management’s assessments in connection with application of IFRS that have significant effect on the financial statements and estimates that may cause material adjustments to the financial statements of subsequent years are described in greater detail in Note 32, Significant estimates and assessments.
Basis for consolidation
Subsidiaries are all companies over which the Group has controlling influence. The Group has controlling influence over a subsidiary when it is exposed to or has the right to variable returns from its holdings in the company and can influence the return through its controlling influence in the company. Subsidiaries are included in the consolidated accounts from and including the day when the controlling influence is transferred to the Group and until the day when the controlling influence ceases.
In the consolidated accounts, subsidiaries are reported in accordance with the acquisition method. The method entails acquisitions of subsidiaries being viewed as transactions through which the Group indirectly acquires the subsidiary’s assets and assumes its liabilities and contingent liabilities. Consolidated cost is determined by means of an acquisition analysis in connection with the transaction. The acquisition analysis determines, in part, the cost of the holdings or operations and, in part, the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed on the date of acquisition. Possible transaction fees due to the acquisition of a subsidiary are reported directly in the profit/loss for the period, except for transaction fees that arose prior to January 1, 2010. The latter has been included in the cost. Subsidiaries’ financial accounts are included in the consolidated accounts from the point of acquisition and until the Group no longer has a controlling influence.
Payment in connection with the acquisitions does not include payments settling prior business transactions. Settlements of this type are made against profit/loss for the period. The classification and accounting of business acquisitions that took place before January 1, 2004 has not been reassessed in accordance with IFRS 3 in connection with the determination of the consolidated opening balance sheet on January 1, 2004 in accordance with IFRS.
Joint venture
For purposes of accounting, joint ventures are companies for which the Group has joint control over operational and financial management through a contractual arrangement with one or more parties. Interests in joint ventures are consolidated using the equity method of accounting. The equity method entails the value of holdings in joint ventures reported in the consolidated accounts being equivalent to the Group’s share of the joint ventures’ shareholders’ equity, as well as consolidated goodwill and any other consolidated surplus or deficit.
In consolidated profit/loss for the period, “Participations in earnings of joint venture” is reported as the Group’s share of a company’s earnings adjusted for any impairment, amortization or reversals of acquired surpluses or deficits. These shares in earnings less any dividends received from joint ventures comprise the main change in the carrying amount of interests in joint ventures. Any discrepancy at the point of acquisition between the cost of the holding and the owning company’s share of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the joint venture is reported in accordance with the same principles that apply for acquisitions of subsidiaries.
Transactions eliminated on consolidation
Intra-group receivables and liabilities, income and expenses and unrealized gains or losses arising from intra-group transactions between Group companies are eliminated in full when preparing the consolidated accounts. Unrealized gains and losses arising from transactions with joint ventures are eliminated to a degree corresponding to the Group’s ownership of those companies, however, unrealized losses are eliminated only to the extent that there is no indication that any impairment should be recognized.
Foreign currency
Transactions in foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency corresponding to the exchange rate in force on the transaction date. The functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group’s companies carry out their business. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate in effect on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from translation are recognized against profit/loss for the period. Non-monetary assets and liabilities recognized at their historical costs are translated at the exchange rate applicable at the time of the transaction. Exchange differences referring to operating assets and liabilities are recognized in the operating result, while exchange rate movements referring to financial assets and liabilities are recognized in net financial income.
Foreign businesses’ financial statements
Assets and liabilities in foreign operations, including goodwill and other Group surplus and deficit values, are translated from the foreign operations’ functional currency to the Group’s reporting currency. Translation is applied at the exchange rate in effect on the balance sheet date. Income and expenses in a foreign operation are translated at an average exchange rate approximating the currency exchange rates applicable on the relevant transaction dates. Translation differences arising in connection with the translation of a foreign net investment and accompanying effects of hedges of net investments are recognized under other comprehensive income and are accumulated in an equity component entitled separate translation reserve. Non-current internal loans are considered to form part of the net investment in the foreign operation. On the sale of a foreign operation, the accumulated translation differences attributable to the operation are recognized, less any currency hedging against profit/loss for the period.
Non-current assets and liabilities essentially consist of amounts that are expected to be recovered or paid later than 12 months after the balance sheet date. Current assets and current liabilities essentially consist of amounts that are expected to be recovered or paid within 12 months of the balance sheet date.
Intangible assets
Consolidated goodwill consists of acquired goodwill and goodwill arising in connection with investments in subsidiaries. Goodwill represents the difference between the cost of the business combination and the fair value of acquired assets, assumed liabilities and contingent liabilities. After the acquisition, goodwill is reported at cost less any impairment losses. Goodwill is distributed to cash generating units and is tested at least once annually to determine possible impairment needs; see Note 12 Goodwill.
Other intangible assets
Customer relations consist of acquired assets that have been identified in the acquisition analysis in connection with the acquisition of shares in subsidiaries. At the time of acquisition, customer relations are valued at fair value, which is considered to be equivalent to the cost. After the acquisition, customer relations are recognized at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses.
Computer programs and licenses are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment. Costs incurred for internally generated goodwill and internally generated brands are recognized against profit/loss for the period when the cost is incurred. Additional expenditures for capitalized intangible assets are recognized as assets on the Balance Sheet only when they increase the future economic benefit associated with the specific asset. All other expenditures are expensed as they are incurred.
Amortization principles for customer relations and other intangible assets
Amortization is recognized in profit/loss for the period on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. Intangible assets which can be amortized are amortized from the date on which they are available for use. The useful lives of assets are reassessed on an ongoing basis, although at least once per year.
The estimated useful lives are:
Useful life | ||
Group | Parent Company | |
Licenses | 3–10 years | 3–10 years |
Software | 3–10 years | 3–10 years |
Customer relationships | 6–10 years | – |
Other intangible assets | 3–10 years | – |
Tangible assets
Tangible assets are recognized in the Group at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment. The cost includes the purchase price plus expenses directly attributable to the asset in order to put it in place and make it appropriate for use in accordance with the purpose of the acquisition. Examples of directly related expenses included in the cost of an asset are expenses for shipping, handling, installation, legal title, consultant services and legal services.
Additional expenditures are only added to the cost if it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Company and the cost can be measured reliably. All other subsequent expenses are expensed in the period they arise.
Depreciation principles for tangible assets
Depreciation is recognized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. Land is not depreciated. The useful lives and residual values of assets are re-assessed at least on an annual basis.
Useful life | ||
Group | Parent Company | |
Buildings and land | 15–50 years | – |
Plant and machinery | 3–15 years | – |
Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings | 3–10 years | 3–10 years |
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets as well as holdings in a joint venture
IAS 36 is applied to identify impairments for assets other than financial instruments reported according to IAS 39, deferred tax assets reported according to IAS 12 and inventories reported according to IAS 2. Assets held for sale and disposal groups are tested in accordance with IFRS 5. The carrying amounts for the exempted assets are measured according to the respective standards.
If there is any indication of impairment, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. The asset’s recoverable amount is the highest of the value in use and fair value minus selling expenses. In measuring value in use, future cash flows are discounted at the pre-tax rate that shall reflect current market assessments of risk-free interest and the risks specific to the asset. In the event that the asset’s carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, the carrying amount is impaired down to the recoverable amount. Impairments are charged against profit/loss for the period.
Impairment testing of goodwill is carried out annually, regardless of whether an indication of an impairment requirement exists or not. Impairment losses on assets within the scope of IAS 36 are reversed if there is both indication that the impairment no longer exists and there has been a change in the assumptions on which the recoverable amount was measured. A reversal is only made to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been reported if no impairment had taken place. However, impairments of goodwill are not reversed.
Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net sales value. The cost of inventories includes expenses incurred to acquire inventory assets and transport them to their current site and condition. The cost figure is based on weighted average prices. The cost of manufactured goods and work in progress includes a reasonable share of indirect expenses based on normal capacity. Net sales value is the estimated selling price in current operations less the estimated expenses to make the asset ready for sale and to effect a sale. Net sale value is estimated based on estimates of the current market price.
Provisions differ from other liabilities in the uncertainty that prevails regarding the time of payment or the amount required to settle the obligation. Provisions are recorded in the Balance Sheet when the Group has an existing legal or informal obligation as a result of an event occurring and when it is likely that an outflow of financial resources will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Provisions are made in the amount corresponding to the best estimate of that required to settle present obligations on the balance sheet date. If the payment date has a significant effect, provisions are calculated through discounting of the expected future cash flow at a pre-tax interest rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where applicable, the risks associated with the liability.
Financial instruments
Financial instruments that are reported in the balance sheet include receivables, cash and equivalents and accounts payable.
A financial asset or financial liability is recognized in the balance sheet when the company becomes party to the instrument’s contractual terms. Accounts receivable are recognized in the balance sheet once the invoice has been sent, which normally occurs in connection with delivery of the Group’s goods and services and the associated transfer of risk. Liabilities are recognized once the counter party has completed its task and there is a contractual obligation to pay, even though an invoice may not yet have been received. A financial asset or part thereof is derecognized when the contractual rights are realized, mature or are no longer under the company’s control. The same also applies for parts of a financial asset. A financial liability or part thereof is derecognized in the balance sheet when contractual obligations are met or otherwise extinguished. The same applies for part of a financial liability. Purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized using trade date accounting. The trade date is the date the company enters into a contractual obligation to buy or sell the asset. A financial asset and a financial liability are offset and the net amount recognized in the balance sheet only when the company has a legally enforceable right to set off the amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. At initial recognition, financial instruments are classified based on the purpose for which the instrument was acquired, which affects subsequent measurement. The measurement categories BE Group uses are as follows.
Classification and measurement of financial instruments
Amortized cost – financial assets
The Group only classifies its financial assets as assets recognized at amortized cost when the following requirements are met:
- the asset is included in a business model where the goal is to collect contractual cash flows, and
- contractual terms give rise to cash flows at specific times that only consist of principal and interest on the outstanding principal.
Cash and equivalents and accounts receivable are recognized at amortized cost.
Accounts receivable
Accounts receivable are amounts attributable to customers for goods sold in the operating activities. Accounts receivable generally fall due for payment within 30-60 days and all accounts receivable have therefore been classified as current assets. Accounts receivable are initially recognized at fair value. The Group holds accounts receivable for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows and therefore measures them at subsequent recognition times at amortized cost with application of the effective interest method. The Group’s method for the calculation of impairment losses/provisions for accounts receivable is described below. Accounts receivable in BE Group Sverige AB and BE Group Oy Ab are pledged as a basis for the Groups borrowing through factoring.
Other receivables
In addition to accounts receivable, there are also non-current receivables and some other receivables recognized at amortized cost. The receivables are classified as current receivables if they fall due for payment within 12 months of the reporting date; otherwise they are classified as non-current receivables.
Amortized cost – financial liabilities
All of the Group’s financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost after the initial recognition. Liabilities measured at amortized cost are comprised of interest-bearing liabilities, accounts payable and other liabilities. Financial liabilities are classified as current liabilities if they fall due for payment within 12 months of the reporting date; otherwise they are classified as non-current liabilities.
Impairment of financial assets
The Group evaluates the anticipated future credit losses related to investments in debt instruments recognized at amortized cost. At each reporting date, the Group recognizes a provision for anticipated credit losses. The measurement of the anticipated credit losses reflects an objective and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating an interval of possible outcomes; the time value of money and reasonable and verifiable information that is available without unnecessary costs or efforts on the balance sheet date for earlier events, current conditions and forecasts of future financial conditions.
The Group applies the simplified method for the calculation of anticipated credit losses on accounts receivable. This method means that anticipated losses during the entire term of the receivable are used as the starting point for accounts receivable. See Note 31 for more information on the impairment model.
Hedge accounting
Until the end of August 2019, the Group applied hedge accounting in accordance with the principles for the hedging net investments in foreign currency. This is to reduce the translation exposure from our foreign operations. In connection with the refinancing in 2019, the hedge was concluded. The balances that remain in the reserve that originate from the hedging of the currency translation reserve from the hedging relationship where hedge accounting is no longer applied approximately amount to SEK -63 M. No hedge accounting has been applied in the Parent Company.
A warranty provision is recognized when an agreement has been made including stipulations of future commitments that are deemed likely to materialize. A warranty provision may also be recognized when the underlying products or services are sold. The provision is based on historical data concerning warranties and consideration of possible outcomes in relation to the probabilities associated with the outcomes. However, such warranty commitments do not represent a significant item in the Group’s financial statements.
Onerous contracts
A provision for an onerous contract is recognized when anticipated benefits that the Group expects to receive from a contract are less than the unavoidable expenses to fulfill the obligations as set out in the contract.
The Group generates revenues from the sale of goods. There is normally a performance commitment in the form of goods in contracts with customers for finished products. Revenue is recognized at the time when control over the asset has been transferred to the customer. To assess when control is transferred, the transfer of risks and benefits is the indicator assigned the greatest importance in the Group for determining when control has been transferred to the customer. The time at which control over the goods is transferred to the customer thereby depends mostly on what freight terms are stated in the customer contract. The Group takes into account variable compensation in the form of volume discounts when the transaction price is determined. The revenue from the sale of goods is recognized based on the price in the contract less estimated volume discounts. Historical data is used to estimate the discounts’ anticipated value and the revenue is only recognized to the extent that it is very likely that a material reversal will not arise. A liability (which is included in the item Accrued expenses and deferred income) is recognized for anticipated volume discounts in relation to the sales up to the balance sheet date.
A receivable is recognized when the goods have been delivered as the compensation at this time is certain since only the passing of time is required before payment is made. No financing component is deemed to exist at the time of sale as the credit period is normally 30-60 days. Since the Group’s performance commitment originates from contracts that have an original anticipated term of less than one year, information is not provided on the transaction price for unfulfilled performance commitments. The Group’s commitment to repair or replace defective products in accordance with normal guarantee rules is recognized as a provision. Guarantee commitments beyond this do not occur.
It happens that the Group sells goods with a right of return. For these contracts, a repayment liability (which is included in the item Other liabilities) and an asset for the right to receive back the product from the customer (included in Other current assets) are recognized for goods the Group expects to receive in return. In order to assess the scope of the returns, historical data is used at a portfolio level at the time of sale. As the scope of the returns have been stable in recent years, it is very probable that a material reversal of the recognized revenues will not occur. The validity of the assumption and the estimated amount of returns are revalues at each balance sheet date.
Employee benefits
Short-term employee benefits
Short-term employee benefits such as wages and salaries, including bonuses, paid leave, sick leave and social security benefits are recognized in the period in which the employee has performed services in exchange for the benefit.
The Group’s pension agreements are defined contribution plans. The defined benefit plan for retirement pensions and survivors’ pensions for white collar employees in Sweden are secured through an insurance policy provided by Alecta. According to a statement (UFR 10) from the Swedish Financial Reporting Board, this is a multiple-employer defined benefit plan. The Company has not had access to information that would permit recognition of the plan as a defined benefit which is why the pension plan in accordance with ITP is secured through insurance with Alecta such as a defined contribution plan.
Under a defined contribution plan, the enterprise pays fixed contributions into a fund (a separate legal entity) and has no further legal or constructive obligation to make further payments. The pension expense to be recognized in the period is the contribution payable in exchange for service rendered by employees during the period.
Termination benefits
When the Company terminates employment, benefits to the employee are recognized as an ongoing expense for as long as the employee performs work for the Company. When the employee is exempted from work, the entire benefit amount is immediately recognized as an expense. Provisions are recognized in connection with terminations only if the Company is demonstrably obligated to terminate employment prior to the normal date or when compensation is offered to encourage voluntary departure and it is likely that the offer will be accepted and that the number of employees who will accept the offer can be reliably estimated.
Financial income and expenses
Financial income and expenses consist mainly of interest income on bank balances, receivables and interest expense on loans, exchange differences and allocated transaction expenses for raised loans. Transaction expenses for raised loans and credits are accrued over the life of the loans by applying the effective interest method.
Income taxes are recognized in profit/loss for the period except where an underlying transaction is recognized directly in other comprehensive income, whereupon the related tax effect is likewise recognized in other comprehensive income. Current tax is tax to be paid or refunded in the current year, which includes adjustment of current tax attributable to previous periods. Deferred tax assets are measured using the balance sheet method based on temporary differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax value on assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets are measured based on how temporary differences are expected to even out and applying the tax rates and regulations that have been enacted or announced at the balance sheet date. Temporary differences are not taken into consideration for consolidated goodwill. Deferred tax assets pertaining to deductible temporary differences and loss carryforwards are recognized only if it is considered probable they will result in lower tax payments in the future.
The Group as lessee
Upon entering an agreement, the Group determines if the agreement is, or contains, a lease based on the substance of the agreement. An agreement is, or contains, a lease if the agreement transfers the right to decide over the use of an identified asset for a certain period of time in exchange for compensation.
Lease liabilities
At the start date for a lease (i.e. the date when the underlying asset becomes available for use), the Group recognizes a lease liability corresponding to the present value of the lease payments that are paid during the leasing period. The leasing period is determined as the interminable period together with periods to extend or cancel the agreement if the Group is reasonably certain of exercising the options. The leasing payments include fixed payments (less any discounts and the like in connection with the signing of the lease to be obtained), variable lease charges that depend on an index or a price and amounts expected to be paid according to residual value guarantees. The leasing payments also include the exercise price for an option to buy the underlying asset or penalties that are payable upon termination in accordance with a termination option if such options are reasonably certain to be used by the Group. Variable lease charges that do not depend on an index or a price are recognized as an expense in the period to which they are attributable.
For the calculation of the present value of the leasing payments, the Group uses the implicit interest rate in the agreement if it can easily be established and otherwise, the Group’s marginal borrowing rate as of the start date for the lease is used. After the start date of a lease, the lease liability increases to reflect the interest rate on the lease liability and decreases by the paid lease charges. The value of the lease liability is also restated as a result of modifications, changes to the leasing period, changes in leasing payments or changes in an assessment to buy the underlying asset.
Right of use assets
The Group recognizes right of use (ROU) assets in the statement of financial position at the start date for the lease. ROU assets are valued at cost less accumulated amortization and any impairment losses, and adjusted for revaluations of the lease liability. The cost of ROU assets includes the initial value that is recognized for the attributable lease liability, initial direct expenses, and any advance payments made at or before the start date for the lease less any discounts and the like received in connection with the signing of the lease.
On condition that BE Group is not reasonably certain that the Group will assume ownership of the underlying asset at the end of the lease, the ROU asset is amortized straight-line over the leasing period. For the leases where the Group is reasonably certain of assuming ownership, the ROU asset is amortized over the underlying asset’s useful life, as follows.
Useful life | |
Group | |
Buildings and land | 15–50 years |
Cars and other means of transport | 3–15 years |
Equipment, tools, fixtures and fittings | 3–10 years |
Other | 3–10 years |
There are excemptions for recognition of the right of use asset and leasing liability for leases of minor value and contracts of a duration of no more than 12 months. The Group has chosen to not apply these exemption rules.
Segment reporting
An operating segment is a component of the Group that conducts business operations from which it can derive revenues and incur expenses, including intra-group transactions and whose operating result is reviewed regularly by the Group’s senior executives as a basis for the allocation of resources to the segment and the assessment of its results. Independent financial information shall also be available for components of the Group defined as segments. BE Group has defined the concept of “senior executives” as Group Management.
The Group’s primary basis for identifying segments is geographical areas. The Internal management is based primarily on reporting and follow-up of returns from the Group’s geographical areas. The geographical areas are grouped by country or group of countries, based on similarities with regard to risks and returns. For additional information on operating segments, please see Note 1 Operating segments.
Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit for the period within the Group which is attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders and on the weighted average number of outstanding shares during the year. In calculating earnings per share before and after dilution, the average number of shares is adjusted to take into consideration the effects of any Share Savings program.
Cash Flow Statement
The Cash Flow Statement is prepared using the indirect method. Reported cash flow covers only transactions that result in incoming and outgoing payments.
Government grants
Government grants received linked to Covid-19 during 2021 was recognized at fair value when there was a reasonable certainty that the grant would be received and that BE Group met the conditions associated with the grant. All grants were recognized in the income statement as a cost reduction over the same period as the costs that the grants were intended to cover; see Note 2.
Parent Company accounting principles
The Parent Company has prepared its Annual Report in accordance with the annual accounts act (1995:1554) and the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommendation RFR 2 Accounting for legal entities (Sept. 2012). Published statements by the Swedish Financial Reporting Board for listed companies are also applied. RFR 2 means that the Parent Company, in the annual report for the legal entity, must apply all EU-approved IFRS and statements as far as this is possible within the framework of the Swedish law on the safeguarding of pension commitments and taking the connection into account between reporting and taxation. The recommendation specifies exemptions and additions to IFRS that shall be made.
Classification and presentation
The Parent Company’s Income Statement and Balance Sheet are prepared in accordance with the model detailed in the Annual Accounts Act, while the report on comprehensive profit/loss, Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows are based on IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows respectively. The differences in the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Parent Company compared with the consolidated accounts mainly involve the reporting of financial revenues and expenses, assets and equity.
Participations in subsidiaries
Participations in subsidiaries are reported in the Parent Company in accordance with the cost method. This means that transaction expenses are included in the carrying amount of holdings in subsidiaries. In the consolidated accounts, transaction expenses are charged directly against profit/loss when they are incurred. Anticipated dividends from subsidiaries are recognized when the Parent Company has the sole right to decide the amount of the distribution and the Parent Company has decided on the size of the distribution before the subsidiary published its financial statements. Dividends received from Group companies are recognized in their entirety as income in the Income Statement.
Shareholder contributions
Shareholders’ contributions paid are reported as an increase in shares and participations in Group companies, to the extent that impairment is not required. In the receiving Company, shareholder contributions are reported directly in equity.
Financial instruments
In accordance with the rules in the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommendation RFR 2 and the connection between accounting and taxation, the rules on financial instruments and hedge accounting in IFRS 9 are not applied in the Parent Company as a legal entity. In the future, IAS 39 will continue to be applied only to the consolidated accounts. Financial assets in the Parent Company are measured at cost less impairment losses, if any and current financial assets are measured at the lower of cost and fair value. Liabilities that do not constitute derivative liabilities are measured at the accrued cost. Possible derivative assets are measured in accordance with the lower of cost and fair value, while contingent derivative liabilities are measured according to the highest value principle.
Untaxed reserves in the Parent Company are recognized including deferred tax liability. Untaxed reserves are apportioned in the consolidated accounts between deferred tax liability and equity.
The rules regarding recognition of leases according to IFRS 16 are not applied in the Parent Company. This means that lease charges are recognized as expenses straight-line over the leasing period, and that ROU assets and lease liabilities are not included in the Parent Company’s balance sheet. Identification of a lease is, however, done according to IFRS 16, meaning that an agreement is, or contains, a lease if the agreement transfers the right to decide over the use of an identified asset for a certain period of time in exchange for compensation.
Financial guarantees
The Parent Company’s financial guarantee contracts consist of guarantees on behalf of subsidiaries. A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment as contractually agreed. The Parent Company applies RFR 2 p. 72, which is an easing of regulations compared to the rules in IAS 39 with regard to financial guarantee contracts issued on behalf of subsidiaries. The Parent Company recognizes financial guarantee contracts as provisions in the Balance Sheet when it has an obligation for which payment will probably be required to achieve settlement.
Group contributions in the Parent Company
Group contributions paid or received are reported as appropriations.
Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities primarily comprise liabilities to credit institutions. Liabilities to credit institutions are initially valued at amounts received, less any setup fees, and are then valued at the accrued acquisition value. Interest expenses are reported on a rolling basis in the Income Statement. Capitalised set-up fees are reported directly against the loan liability to the extent that the loan agreement’s underlying loan guarantee has been utilised, and are periodised in the Income Statement (under Other financial expenses) over the contractual term of the loan. If a loan agreement is terminated or otherwise ceases to obtain at a point in time prior to the end of the original contractual term, capitalised set-up fees are taken up as income. If a current agreement is renegotiated during the contractual term, any additional fees in connection with the renegotiation are periodised over the remaining contractual term of the loans.