Note 16 – Participations in Group companies

Parent Company Moderbolag 2022 2021
Accumulated cost Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden
At January 1 Vid årets början 1,630 1,630
Divestment Avyttring -12
Total accumulated cost Summa ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden 1,618 1,630
Accumulated impairment Ackumulerade nedskrivningar
At January 1 Vid årets början -762 -762
Total accumulated impairment Summa ackumulerade nedskrivningar -762 -762
Carrying amount at end of period Redovisat värde vid periodens slut 856 868

Specification of the Parent Company and Group’s holdings of investments in Group companies

Subsidiaries/Reg. No./Domicile Participating interests % Carrying amount
Dotterbolag / Org nr / Säte Antal andelar % Redovisat värde
BE Group Sverige AB, 556106-2174. Sweden BE Group Sverige AB, 556106-2174. Sverige 20,000 100 709
BE Group Oy Ab, 1544976-7. Finland BE Group Oy Ab, 1544976-7. Finland 204,000 100 147
BE Group OÜ, 10024510. Estonia BE Group OÜ, 10024510. Estland 40 100 0
BE Group OÜ filiāle Latvijā, 40203322166. Latvia BE Group OÜ filiāle Latvijā, 40203322166. Lettland 100 100 0
BE Group OÜ Lietuvos filialas, 305776594. Lithuania BE Group OÜ Lietuvos filialas, 305776594. Litauen 100 100
BE Group Sp. z o.o, 0000006520. Poland BE Group Sp. z o.o., 0000006520. Polen 20,216 100
Divestments during the year Avyttringar under året 2022 2021
Lecor Stålteknik AB Lecor Stålteknik AB -12
Total Totalt -12


During the second half of the year, BE Group Sverige AB acquired the shares of Goodtech Solutions Manufacturing AB, now BE Group Produktion Arvika AB. The costs related to the acquisition is included in the administrative costs in the balance sheet for 2022. Since the day of consolidation, the acquired company has contributed to the Group’s net sales with SEK 7.5 M and the underlying result with SEK 0.2 M.

The table below includes assets and liabilities consolidated in connection to the acquisition. The acquisition is not material to BE Group’s financial result.

Net assets Book value Value adjustment Fair value
Nettotillgångar Bokfört värde Värdejustering Verkligt värde
Property Fastighet 1 6 7
Intangible assets Immateriella anläggningstillgångar 0 0
Tangible assets Materiella anläggningstillgångar 1 2 3
Inventory, accounts receivable and other receivables Lager, kundfordringar och övriga fordringar 4 4
Accounts payable and other liabilities Leverantörsskulder och övriga skulder -5 -5
Cash and equivalents Likvida medel 1 1
Total net assets Summa nettotillgångar 2 8 10
Cash flow effect
Purchase price Köpeskilling -10
Cash and equivalents in the acquired companies Likvida medel i de förvärvade bolagen 1
Total cash flow effect Summa kassaflödeseffekt -9

Earnings attributable to divested operations

In the third quarter, the transfer of Lecor Stålteknik AB was completed. The final purchase consideration amounted to approximately SEK 17 M and the cash flow effect was SEK 10 M. The sale had no major impact on the Group’s earnings. The operations had annual net sales of approximately SEK 82 M in 2021 and were deconsolidated on July 1, 2022.