Note 2 – Costs divided by type of expense

The specification of costs divided by type of expense refers to items included in the Income Statement under cost of goods sold, selling expenses, administrative expenses and other operating expenses.

Group Koncern 2022 2021
Material costs Materialkostnader 5,355 3,958
Salaries, other remuneration and social security expenses 1) Löner, andra ersättningar och sociala kostnader 1) 422 379
Other external costs Övriga externa kostnader 590 359
Depreciation, amortization and write-downs 2) Avskrivningar och nedskrivningar 2) 115 118
Other operating expenses Övriga rörelsekostnader 24 20
Total Totalt 6,506 4,834
1) During 2021, the Group’s operations obtained Covid-19 related government grants of approximately SEK 1 M, which have been reported as a cost reduction in the Consolidated income statement.
2) In depreciation, amortization and write-downs 2022, SEK 90 M (93) is associated with amortization on right of use assets related to IFRS 16.