Note 30 – Related-party transactions


During the year, the Group had transactions with joint venture company ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB. See Note 17 for further details.

In other regards, no transactions have taken place between BE Group and related parties that have had a material impact on the company’s position and results.

See Note 3 for disclosures on remuneration and benefits paid to senior executives and Board members.

Parent Company

The Parent Company has decisive control over its subsidiaries, see Note 16, and has had the following transactions with related parties:

Parent Company´s transactions with subsidiaries Moderbolagets transaktioner med dotterbolag 2022 2021
Sales of services Försäljning av tjänster 154 103
Purchases of services Inköp av tjänster -5 -5
Interest income Ränteintäkter 15 13
Interest expense Räntekostnader -9 -10
Dividend received (+)/paid (-) Utdelning erhållen (+)/lämnad (-) 261 98
Group contributions received(+)/paid (-) Koncernbidrag erhållna (+)/lämnade (-) 39 124
Claims on related parties on balance day Fordran på närstående på balansdagen 353 355
Debt to related parties on balance day Skuld till närstående på balansdagen -47 -278