The year in brief
Strong cash flow in weaker market conditions
- Net sales decreased by 23% to SEK 5,328 M (6,875)
- The underlying operating result amounted to SEK 30 M (488)
- The operating result amounted to SEK -52 M (418), including inventory losses of SEK -76 M (-70) and items affecting comparability of SEK -6 M (-)
- Result after tax amounted to SEK -60 M (324)
- Cash flow from operating activities increased to SEK 491 M (204)
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK -4.59 (24.96)
- A new credit agreement was signed with a credit facility of SEK 775 M
- A savings and efficiency enhancement program was initiated in the third quarter, which is expected to provide savings of approximately SEK 50 M on annual basis
- The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend (SEK 12 per share) will be paid for the financial year of 2023
Key data | 2023 | 2022 | Change | |
Nyckeltal | 2023 | 2022 | Förändring | |
Tonnage, thousands of tons | Tonnage, tusental | 285 | 320 | -35 |
Net sales, SEK M | Nettoomsättning, MSEK | 5,328 | 6,875 | -1,547 |
Operating result, SEK M | Rörelseresultat, MSEK | -52 | 418 | -470 |
Operating margin, % | Rörelsemarginal, % | -1.0 | 6.1 | -7.1 |
Underlying operating result 1) | Underliggande rörelseresultat 1) | 30 | 488 | -458 |
Result after tax, SEK M | Resultat efter skatt, MSEK | -60 | 324 | -384 |
Result per share, SEK | Resultat per aktie, SEK | -4.59 | 24.96 | -29.55 |
Return on capital employed excl. IFRS 16, % | Avkastning på sysselsatt kapital exkl. IFRS 16. % | -3.1 | 20.3 | -23.4 |
Net debt excl. IFRS 16, SEK M | Nettoskuld exkl. IFRS 16. MSEK | 259 | 357 | -98 |
Net debt/equity ratio excl. IFRS 16, % 1) | Nettoskuldsättningsgrad exkl. IFRS 16. % 1) | 18.1 | 21.7 | -3.6 |
Cash flow from operating activities, SEK M | Kassaflöde från löpande verksamheten, MSEK | 491 | 204 | 287 |
Average number of employees | Medeltal anställda | 678 | 654 | 24 |
Sales by business solution, SEK M | Försäljning per affärslösning, MSEK | 2023 | 2022 | % |
Inventory sales | Lagerförsäljning | 2,106 | 2,809 | -25% |
Production service sales | Produktionsserviceförsäljning | 2,655 | 3,185 | -17% |
Direct sales | Direktförsäljning | 567 | 881 | -36% |
Total | Totalt | 5,328 | 6,875 | -23% |
Sales by product area, SEK M | Försäljning per produktområde, MSEK | 2023 | 2022 | % |
Long steel products | Långa produkter | 1,963 | 2,825 | -31% |
Flat steel products | Platta produkter | 2,429 | 2,803 | -13% |
Stainless steel | Rostfritt stål | 706 | 893 | -21% |
Aluminium | Aluminium | 186 | 256 | -27% |
Other | Övrigt | 44 | 98 | -55% |
Total | Totalt | 5,328 | 6,875 | -23% |