Note 11 – Earnings per share

Group Koncern 2023 2022
Earnings per share before dilution (SEK) Resultat per aktie före utspädning (kr) -4.59 24.96
Earnings per share after dilution (SEK) Resultat per aktie efter utspädning (kr) -4.59 24.96
The calculation of the numerator and denominator used in the calculation of earnings per share is detailed below.
Profit/loss for the year Årets resultat 2023 2022
Profit/loss for the year (SEK M) Årets resultat (MSEK) -60 324

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding before dilution (individual shares)

2023 2022
Total ordinary shares at January 1 Totalt antal stamaktier 1 januari 12,983,204 12,983,204
Weighted common shares outstanding during the year, before dilution Vägt antal stamaktier under året, före utspädning 12,983,204 12,983,204

Weighted average number of common shares outstanding after dilution (individual shares)

2023 2022
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding, before dilution Vägt genomsnittligt antal utestående stamaktier, före utspädning 12,983,204 12,983,204
Weighted common shares outstanding during the year, after dilution Vägt antal stamaktier under året, efter utspädning 12,983,204 12,983,204