Note 17 – Participations in joint ventures

BE Group owns 50 percent of ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB (company registration number 556192-8770, domiciled in Karlstad, Sweden). The company is a Steel Service Center providing customer specific solutions within thin sheets and coils. The interest in the joint venture company is reported in the consolidated accounts using the equity method, by which 50 percent of profit after tax for the joint venture company will be reported as a share in earnings included in the consolidated operating result of BE Group.

Earnings in joint venture ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB Resultat i joint venture ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB 2023 2022
Profit/loss before tax Resultat före skatt 57 85
Tax Skatt -12 -18
Profit/loss after tax Resultat efter skatt 45 67
Dividends received Erhållen utdelning 15 33
Overview of income statements and balance sheets for the joint venture Sammandrag av resultaträkningar och
balansräkningar för joint venture
2023 2022
Net sales Nettoomsättning 1,044 1,192
Operating result 1) Rörelseresultat 1) 56 85
Net financial items Finansnetto 1 0
Tax Skatt -12 -18
Profit/loss for the year 2) Årets resultat 2) 45 67
1) Depreciations amounts to 1) Avskrivningar uppgår till 8 6
2023 2022
Non-current assets Anläggningstillgångar 203 197
Current assets excl. cash and equivalents Omsättningstillgångar exkl. likvida medel 352 315
Cash and equivalents Likvida medel 15 56
Total assets Summa tillgångar 570 568
2023 2022
Equity Eget kapital 448 431
Provisions Avsättningar 16 15
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities Långfristiga räntebärande skulder
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities Kortfristiga räntebärande skulder 0 0
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities Övriga icke räntebärande skulder 106 122
Total equity and liabilities Summa eget kapital och skulder 570 568
Participations in joint ventures Andelar i joint venture 2023 2022
Opening balance, cost Ingående anskaffningsvärde 183 182
Dividends received Erhållen utdelning -15 -33
Share in earnings of joint venture Resultatandel i joint venture 23 34
Carrying amount at year-end 2) Bokfört värde vid årets utgång 2) 191 183
Transactions with joint venture
ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB
Transaktioner med joint venture ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB 2023 2022
Receivables due from joint venture Fordringar på joint venture
Debts owed to joint venture Skulder till joint venture 3 4
Sales to joint venture Försäljning till joint venture
Purchases from joint venture Inköp från joint venture 56 85
Dividends received Erhållen utdelning 15 32
Transactions with the joint venture are conducted at market prices and terms.

2) The result is reported under “Participations in earnings of joint venture” in the consolidated income statement. Book value at the end of the year is reported under “Participations in joint ventures” in the consolidated balance sheet.

Impairment testing

Through BE Group Sverige AB, the Group is the owner of 50 percent of the shares in ArcelorMittal BE Group SSC AB. The value of the company’s proportion is tested yearly by the recoverable amount being compared with the book value. Book value amounts to SEK 191 M.

The calculation as per December 31, 2023 shows that there is no impairment requirement. Nor was there any impairment requirement for the calculation as per December 31, 2022. For more information regarding impairment testing of goodwill, see Note 12.