Not 24 – Appropriation of earnings

The Board of Director´s proposal for the appropriation of earnings

The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend (SEK 12 per share) will be paid for the financial year of 2023.

Funds available Medel till förfogande
Share premium reserves Överkursfond 239,719,829 SEK
Retained earnings Balanserat resultat 476,620,076 SEK
Result for the year Årets resultat 69,455,999 SEK
Total Summa 785,795,904 SEK
The Board of Directors proposes that the following amount is distributed to the shareholders Styrelsen föreslår att till aktieägarna utdelas SEK
Balance carried forward I ny räkning överförs 785,795,904 SEK
Total Summa 785,795,904 SEK