Note 26 – Pledged assets and contingent liabilities

Pledged assets to credit institutions

Group Koncern 2023 2022
Liens on assets Företagsinteckningar 1,299 1,302
Total Summa 1,299 1,302
Parent Company Moderbolag 2023 2022
Promissory notes receivable Reversfordran 345 345
Total Summa 345 345

Financial assets pledged as collateral

The Parent Company has promissory notes receivable from BE Group Sverige AB and BE Group Oy Ab pledged as collateral for external loan agreements. The carrying amount is equal to the amount reported as pledged collateral. Please see Note 31 Financial risk management with regard to significant terms and conditions of external loan agreements.

Contingent liabilities

Group Koncern 2023 2022
Other guarantees Övriga garantier
Future committments 1) Framtida åtaganden 1) 1,400 1,400
Total Summa 1,400 1,400
Parent Company Moderbolag 2023 2022
Guarantee obligations for the benefit of subsidiaries Borgensförbindelser till förmån för dotterbolag
Future committments 1) Framtida åtaganden 1) 1,400 1,400
Total Summa 1,400 1,400
1) Refers to committments according to agreement with H2 Green Steel regarding cooperation and distribution of fossil-free steel at the Nordic market. The committment towards H2 Green Steel expects approved deliveries within certain stipulated times.

The Parent Company provides a joint and several guarantee covering subsidiaries’ payment of receivables to materials suppliers. In addition to these reported commitments, the Parent Company has also provided customary guarantees for subsidiaries’ obligations to pay rent to property owners. Please see Note 15 for further information about lease agreements.