Condensed statement of changes in equity
(SEK M) | 2019 Jul-Sep | 2018 Jul-Sep | 2019 Jan-Sep | 2018 Jan-Sep | 2018 Full-year | Rolling 12 months | |
(MSEK) | 2019 jul-sep | 2018 jul-sep | 2019 jan-sep | 2018 jan-sep | 2018 helår | Rullande 12 mån | |
Equity at beginning of period | Eget kapital vid periodens ingång | 922 | 863 | 892 | 802 | 802 | 882 |
Comprehensive income for the period | Periodens totalresultat | 10 | 19 | 63 | 80 | 90 | 73 |
Dividend | Utdelning | – | – | -23 | – | – | -23 |
Equity at end of period | Eget kapital vid periodens utgång | 932 | 882 | 932 | 882 | 892 | 932 |
The comparative figures for 2018 are prepared according to previous accounting principles regarding leasing (IAS 17).