The business area includes the Group’s operations in Sweden consisting of the companies BE Group Sverige and Lecor Stålteknik, as well as the Polish operation BE Group Poland.

Third quarter

Net sales increased by 86 percent in the third quarter compared to last year and amounted to SEK 629 M (338). The higher sales is explained by an increase in tonnage by 26 percent at the same time as steel prices were higher. The operating result increased to SEK 94 M (-8). Adjusted for inventory gains and losses of SEK 17 M (-4), the underlying operating result increased to SEK 77 M (-5).

The Swedish operations delivered a strong underlying operating result compared to last year. The result development is mainly explained by increased demand from OEM customers and steel structure suppliers, higher steel prices and improved gross margin. Our joint venture AMBE provided a strong operating result due to increased demand and high prices on thin sheets and coils. In the Polish operations and Lecor Stålteknik, profitability improved as a result of higher occupancy.

First nine months

Net sales for the first nine months increased by 40 percent compared to last year, amounting to SEK 1,881 M (1,343). Sales growth is explained by increase in tonnage of 17 percent and higher steel prices. Operating result increased to SEK 186 M (-21).

Adjusted for inventory gains and losses of SEK 46 M (-11) and items affecting comparability of SEK 0 M (-35), the underlying operating result increased to SEK 141 M (25). The recovery in demand was clear both within the construction and manufacturing industries.

Business Area Sweden & Poland, sales growth and underlying operating result per quarter