Sustainable development
BE Group’s sustainability work is based on the ambition to create corporate social responsibility, which permeates the entire business. The Company shall work to limit the organization’s environmental impact and be an economically, socially and ethically responsible actor.
With its position between steel producers and customers, it is in the area of transport in particular that BE Group is able to help reduce the environmental impact. In addition to this, BE Group works to continuously improve its own facilities’ energy consumption, emissions and waste management.
In 2012, BE Group performed an inventory of its operations based on ISO 26000 and identified a number of prioritized focus areas that were identified as being of particular importance for the Group. Focus areas are the limitation of climate impact and carbon dioxide emissions, requirement specification and follow-up in the supply chain, integration of sustainability work in the entire Group and an expanded dialogue with key stakeholders. Several of the measures were started in 2012 and the work is continuing. You can read more about BE Group´s sustainable work on the website BE Group
BE Group’s Code of Conduct details the Group’s responsibilities towards its business partners, owners, employees and society. The Code addresses issues of business ethics, anti-corruption, shareholder value, child labour, equality, work environment, career issues and skills development. The ethical guidelines included in the Code of Conduct cover all employees in BE Group. All managers in the Group are responsible for ensuring that the employees follow the Code of Conduct and that they themselves act as role models. You can read more about BE Group´s Code of Conduct on the website BE Group