Other information
Significant events after the end of the period
No significant events have taken place after the end of the period.
Transactions with related parties
No transactions took place between BE Group and related parties that had a material impact on the company’s financial position and results.
Annual General Meeting 2024
BE Group’s Annual General Meeting will take place on April 18, 2024, at 4:00 pm in Malmö, Sweden. Further information is published on the company’s website.
According to BE Group’s dividend policy, the Group will distribute at least 50 percent of profit after tax, over time. Dividends shall be distributed taking BE Group´s financial position and prospects into account. The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend will be paid for the financial year of 2023.
Proposed composition of the Board
The Nominating Committee has proposed re-election of Board members Monika Gutén, Lars Olof Nilsson, Mats O Paulsson and Petter Stillström and new election of Anders Rothstein. It is proposed that Anders Rothstein be new elected as Chairman. Jörgen Zahlin has declined re-election.
Proposal for election of auditors
Based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee proposes new election of the auditing firm Ernst & Young AB as the company’s auditor.
Significant risks and uncertainties
Through its operations, BE Group is exposed to global macroeconomic factors, the competitive situation, structural changes in the market and the economy, as well as financial risks such as currency risks, interest risks, credit and counterparty risks. Within the companies of the Group, continuous processes are ongoing to identify existing risks and assess how these should be handled. The risk exposure is explained in the 2023 Annual Report, which was published in March 2024.
Accounting principles
The interim report was prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. The Parent Company’s interim report is prepared in compliance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommendation RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities.
Refer to the 2023 Annual Report for details of the Group’s other accounting principles and definitions of certain terms. The principles applied are unchanged in relation to the Annual Report. In other regards, the new standards and interpretations that have come into effect from the financial year 2024 have had no significant effect on the financial reporting.